Newton 203-RM
Newton 203-RM is a single-component, fast-setting, Portland cement-based structural mortar, used primarily for the durable repair of concrete. Setting in just 10 minutes at 20ºC, Newton 203-RM is ideal for areas that cannot be taken out of service for long periods, or where the concrete is subjected to heavy wear such as roads, runways, bridges, decks, floors and footpaths. Polymer-modified, and fibre-reinforced, Newton 203-RM is physically and chemically compatible with the host concrete, quickly exhibiting high adhesive and compressive strength. As a single component, requiring only the addition of water, the resulting mortar is rapid curing with enhanced polymeric properties and reliable strength development which is not significantly affected by low temperature use. The mortar can be used as supplied up to 100 mm deep, or bulked out with clean, washed, sharp sand to form a high performance screed or for floor or deck repairs up to maximum depth of 300 mm.